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Gusak, A. M., Titova, A. (2023) Synergy of grain boundary and interface diffusion during intermediate compound formation. Philosophical Magazine. с. 1-21.

Hung-Che, L., Shih-Chi, L., Jia-Juen, O., Dinh-Phuc, T., Gusak, A. M., Tu, K. N., Chih, C. (2022) Evolution of interfacial voids in Cu-to-Cu joints. Materials Characterization, 190. с. 2-11.

Pasichna, V. M., Gusak, A. M. (2021) Alternative algorithms for simultaneous modeling of ordering and intermediate compound growth during reactive diffusion. Computational Materials Science (№ 187). с. 1-15.

Gusak, A. M. (2020) Anisotropic Nucleation, Growth and Ripening under Stirring-A Phenomenological Model. Phys Chem Chem Phys., Vol.22 (№ 17). с. 9740-9748.

Gusak, A. M. (2020) Elementary models of the ‘‘flux drivenanti-ripening’’ during nanobelt growth. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (№ 22). с. 9740-9748.

Gusak, A. M. (2020) Extremely rapid grain growth in scallop-tyde Cu6Sn5 during solid-liquid interdiffusion reactions in micro-bump solder joints. Scripta materialia, №179. с. 45-48.

Gusak, A. M. (2020) Flux-Driven Lateral Grain Growth during Reactive Diffusion. Metallofiz. Noveishie Tekhnol, Vol. 4 (№ 10). с. 1335-1346.

Pasichna, V. M., Storozhuk, N. V., Gusak, A. M. (2020) Incubation Time at Decomposition of Solid Solution – Stochastic Kinetic Mean-Field Versus Monte Carlo simulation. Ukrainian Journal of Physics, Vol.65 (No. 6). с. 488-499.

Huriev, Y., Gusak, A. M. (2020) Predator and prey model revisited – influence of external fluxesand noise. Journal of Mathematical Sciences, V. 246 (No. 5). с. 648-663.

Liu, Y., Pu, B., Gusak, A. M. (2020) Ultra-thin intermetallic compound formation in microbump technology by the control of a low Zn concentration in solder. Acta Materialia, Vol.12. с. 1-7.

Gusak, A. M., Lyashenko, O. Yu., Hodaj, F. (2019) The Competition of Intermediate Phases in the Diffusion Zone. Inorganic Materials, Т. 10 (№ 3). с. 517-524.

Gusak, A. M., Storozhuk, N. (2019) Crystal-lattice defects. Metallophysics and Advanced Technologies, Т. 41 (№ 5). с. 583-593.

Gusak, A. M., Pasichna, V. M. (2019) Nucleation and competition of compounds in strongly inhomogeneous open systems – new developments. Вісник Черкаського університету. Серія Фізико-математичні науки (№ 1). с. 9-29.

Gusak, A. M., Pasichna, V. M. (2019) Nucleation and competition of compounds in strongly inhomogeneous open systems – new developments. Вісник Черкаського університету. Серія «Фізико-математичні науки» (№ 1). с. 9-30.

Gusak, A. M., Zaporozhets, T., Storozhuk, N. (2019) Phase competition in solid-state reactive diffusion revisited—Stochastic kinetic mean-field approach. The Journal of chemical Physics. с. 1-16.

Gusak, A. M., Storozhuk, N. (2019) Two remarks on Wagner integrated diffusion coefficient. Metallophysics and Advanced Technologies, Т. 41 (№ 5). с. 583-593.

Zaporozhets, T. V., Taranovskyy, A., Jáger, G., Gusak, A. M. (2019) The effect of introducing stochasticity to kinetic mean-field calculations: Comparison with lattice kinetic Monte Carlo in case of regular solid solution. Computational Materials Science. с. 1-7.

Tu, K. N., Gusak, A. M. (2019) A unified model of mean-time-to-failure for electromigration, thermomigration, and stress-migration based on entropy production. Journal of Applied Physics (№ 126). с. 1-19.

Morozovych, V. V., Honda, A. R., Lyashenko, Yu. O., Korol, Ya. D., Liashenko, O. Yu., Cserhati, С., Gusak, A. M. (2018) Influence of Copper Pretreatment on the Phase and Pore Formations in the Solid Phase Reactions of Copper with Tin. Металлофизика и новейшие технологии, Т. 40 (№ 12). с. 1649-1673.

Gusak, A. M., Zaporozhets, T. V. (2018) Martin’s Kinetic Mean-Field Model Revisited—Frequency Noise Approach versus Monte Carlo. Металлофизика и новейшие технологии, Т. 40 (№ 14). с. 1415-1435.

Pasichna, V. M., Gusak, A. M. (2018) Modeling of concentration and temperature dependencies of incubation time at decomposition of solid solution by monte carlo method. Вісник Черкаського університету. Серія Фізико-математичні науки (№ 1). с. 3-11.

Pasichna, V. M., Gusak, A. M. (2018) Modeling of concentration and temperature dependencies of incubation time at decomposition of solid solution by monte carlo method. Вісник Черкаського університету. Серія «Фізико-математичні науки» (№ 1). с. 3-11. ISSN 2076-5851

Fenech, D. M., Pasichnyy, M. O., Gusak, A. M. (2018) Nucleation in metastable solid solution – stochastic kinetic mean field approach versus classical nucleation theory. Вісник Черкаського університету. Серія Фізико-математичні науки (№ 1). с. 60-67.

Gusak, A. M., Marchenko, S. V., Turlo, V. V., Bogatyrev, A. O. (2017) Modeling of entropy production and self-organization of decomposing pacs 66.30.qA, 72.15.eB metallic alloy under high current density. Ukrainian Journal of Physics, Т. 62 (№ 12). с. 1031-1040. ISSN 2071-0186

Gusak, A. M., Gonda, A. R. (2017) Severe plastic deformation by kobo method estimations and model. Вісник Черкаського університету. Серія Фізико-математичні науки (№ 1). с. 12-21.

Bezpalchuk, V. M., Kozubski, R., Gusak, A. M. (2017) Simblation of the Tracer Diffysion, Bulk Oldering, and Surface Reordering in F.C.C. Structures by Kinetic Mean-Field Method. Успіхи фізики металів, Т. 3. с. 205-233.

Zaporozhets, T. V., Storozhuk, N. V., Gusak, A. M. (2016) Competition of Voiding and Kirkendall Shift during Compound Growth in Reactive Diffusion–Alternative Models. Металлофизика и новейшие технологии, Т. 38 (№10). с. 1279-1292.

Erdélyi, Z., Pasichnyy, M. O., Bezpalchuk, V. M., Tomán, J. J., Gajdics, B., Gusak, A. M. (2016) Computer Physics Communications. Computer Physics Communications (№ 204). с. 31-37.

Bezpalchuk, V. M., Gusak, A. M., Kozubski, R. (2016) Correlations between phase formation morphology and sequence with the temperature profile of exothermic solid-state reactions. Вісник Черкаського університету. Серія Фізико-математичні науки (№ 1). с. 3-11. ISSN 2076-5908

Pasichnyy, M. O., Janczak-Rusch, J., Jeurgens, L. P. H., Liashenko, O. Yu., Gusak, A. M. (2015) Application of the Critical Gradient Concept to First Phase Formation in Cu/Sn Nano-Multilayered Systems. Euromat. с. 20-24.

Gusak, A. M., Wierzba, B., Danielewski, M. (2015) Electromigration revisited: competition between Kirkendall shift and backstress in pure metals and two-phase alloys. Philosophical Magazine. с. 1-14.

Pasichnyy, M. O., Gusak, A. M. (2015) Fundamentals of competing phase formation at reacting interfaces. Euromat. с. 1.

Gusak, A. M., Kozubski, R., Tyshchenko, D. (2015) Grain Growth in Open Systems. Diffusion Foundations, Т. 5. с. 229-244.

Gusak, A. M., Wierzba, B., Danielewski, M. (2014) Competition between Kirkendall shif t and backstress in interdiff usion revisited – simple analytic model. Philosophical Magazine. с. 1-15.

Hodaj, F., Liashenko, O., Gusak, A. M. (2014) Cu3Sn suppression criterion for solid copper/molten tin reaction. Philosophical Magazine Letters. с. 1-8.

Gusak, A. M., Danielewski, M., Korbel, A., Storozhuk, N. V. (2014) Elementary model of severe plastic deformation by KoBo process. Journal of Applied Physics (№ 115). с. 1-5.

Zaporozhets, T. V., Podolyan, O. N., Gusak, A. M. (2014) Growth kinetics of nanoshells of the intermediate phase with allowance for finite reaction rates at interphase boundaries. The Physics of Metals and Metallography volume, T. 115 (№3). с. 267-276.

Liashenko, O., Gusak, A. M., Hodaj, F. (2014) Phase growth competition in solid/liquid reactions between copper or Cu3Sn compound and liquid tin-based solder. Springer Science+Business Media New York. с. 1-9.

Gusak, A. M., Storozhuk, N. V. (2013) Competition of K and F sinks during Void Formation. The Physics ofMetals and Metallography, Т. 114 (№ 3). с. 197-206. ISSN 0031-918X

Gusak, A. M., Kovalchuk, A. O., Straumal, B. B. (2013) Interrelation of depletion and segregation in decomposition of nanoparticles. Philosophical Magazine. с. 37-41.

Tang, W., Picraux, S. T., Huang, J. Yu, Gusak, A. M., Tu, K. N., Dayeh, S. A. (2013) Nucleation and Atomic Layer Reaction in Nickel Silicide for DefectEngineered Si Nanochannels. American Chemical Society. Nano Letters (№ 13). с. 2748-2753.

Hodaj, F., Gusak, A. M., Liashenko, O. Yu. (2013) Possibility of a shape phase transition for solidifi cation of tin at scallop-like surfaces of Cu6Sn5. Philosophical Magazine Letters, Т. 93 (№ 3). с. 166-173.

Gusak, A. M., Schmitz, G., Tyutyunnyk, N. (2012) Flux Driven Nucleation at Interfaces During Reactive Diffusion –New Solution of an old Problem. Defect and Diffusion Forum, Т. 323. с. 55-60.

Storozhuk, N. V., Sopiga, K. V., Gusak, A. M. (2012) Mean-field and quasi-phase-field models of nucleation and phase competition in reactive diffusion. Philosophical Magazine. с. 1-14.

Turlo, V. V., Gusak, A. M., Tu, K. N. (2012) Model of phase separation and of morphology evolution in two-phase alloy. Philosophical Magazine. с. 1-13.

Tian, T., Gusak, A. M., Liashenko, O.Yu., Han, J.-K., Choi, D., Tu, K. N. (2012) A New Physical Model for Life Time Prediction of Pb-free Solder Joints in Electromigration Tests. IEEE. с. 741-746.

Hodaj, F., Gusak, A. M., Liashenko, O. Yu. (2012) Possibility of a shape phase transition for solidification of tin at scallop-like surfaces of Cu6Sn5. Philosophical Magazine Letters. с. 1-9.

Tyutyunnyk, N. V., Gusak, A. M. (2012) Role of non-equilibr ium vacancies in spinodal decomposition. Ukrainian Journal of Physics, Т. 57 (№ 6). с. 628-635. ISSN 2071-0194

Kucheeva, Yu. O., Straumal, A. B., Mogil’nikova, I. V., Straumal, B. B., Gusak, A. M., Baretzky, B. (2012) Wetting of Grain Boundaries in Hard-Magnetic Nd–Fe–B Alloys. Russian Journal of Non-Ferrous Metals, Т. 53 (№ 6). с. 450-456.

Zaporozhets, T. V., Gusak, A. M., Ustinov, A. I. (2011) Conditions of propagation of the SHS reaction front in nanolayered foils in contact with heat-conducting material (Условия распространения фронта реакции СВС в нанослойных фольгах, контактирующих с теплопроводящим материалом). Автоматическая сварка (№ 8). с. 37-41.

Gusak, A. M., Hodaj, F., Schmitz, G. (2011) Flux-driven nucleation at interfaces during reactive diffusion. Philosophical Magazine Letters, Т. 91 (№ 9). с. 610-620.

Hodaj, F., Liashenko, O. Yu., Gusak, A. M., Lyashenko, Yu. A. (2011) Heterogeneous nucleation and depletion effect in nanowire growth. Philosophical Magazine. с. 1-18.

Zaporozhets, T. V., Gusak, A. M. (2011) Role of Finite Vacancy Relaxation Rate at SHS Reactions in Nanosized Multilayers. Defect and Diffusion Forum, Т. 309. с. 215-222.

Gusak, A. M., Hodaj, F., Zaporozhets, T. V. (2011) Thermodynamics of void nucleation in nanoparticles. Philosophical Magazine Letters, Т. 91 (№ 12). с. 741-750.

Zaporozhets, T. V., Gusak, A. M., Ustinov, A. I. (2010) SHS Reactions in Nanosized Multilayers: Analytical Model Versus Numerical One. International Journal of Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis, Т. 19 (№ 4). с. 227-236.

Kovalchuk, A. O., Gusak, A. M., Tu, K. N. (2010) Theory of Repeating Nucleation in Point Contact Reactions between Nanowires. Nano Letters. с. 4799-4806.

Gusak, A. M., Vasylevska, A. O. (2009) Diffusion phase competition - fundamentals (Review). Вісник Черкаського університету. Серія Фізико-математичніі науки (№ 141). с. 52-72.

Gusak, A. M., Zaporozhets, T. V. (2009) Hollow nanoshell formation and collapse in binary solid solutions with large range of solubility. Journal of physics: condensed matter. с. 1-11.

Gusak, A. M., Tu, K. N. (2009) Interaction between the Kirkendall effect and the inverse Kirkendall Effect In Nanoscale Particles. Acta Materialia (№ 57). с. 3367-3373.

Gan, Z., Gusak, A. M., Shao, W., Chen, Z., Mhaisalkar, S.G., Zaporozhets, T., Tu, K. N. (2007) Analytical modeling of reservoir effect on electromigration in Cu interconnects. Journal of Materials Research, Т. 22 (№ 1). с. 152-158.

Suh, J. O., Tu, K. N., Lutsenko, G. V., Gusak, A. M. (2007) Size distribution and morphology of Cu6Sn5 scallops in wetting reaction between molten solder and copper. Acta Materialia Inc.. с. 1075-1083.

Lyashenko, Yu. A., Gusak, A. M. (2006) DIGM - Entropy balance and free energy release rate. Defect and Diffusion Forum, Т. 249. с. 81-90.

Ouyang, Fan-Yi, Tu, K. N., Lai, Yi-Shao, Gusak, A. M. (2006) Effect of entropy production on microstructure change in eutectic SnPb flip chip solder joints by thermomigration. Applied Physics LEtters. с. 89-91.

Goh, C. F., Gan, Z. H., Mhaisalkar, S. G., Boey, F. Y. C., Gusak, A. M., Teo, P. S. (2006) Modeling of smoothening effect on morphologies of annealed submicron nickel particles used for electrically conductive adhesives. American Institute of Physics (№ 100). с. 1-5.

Pasichnyy, M. O., Schmitz, G., Gusak, A. M., Vovk, V. (2005) Application of the critical gradient concept to the nucleation of the first-product phase in Co / Al thin films. Physical review (№ 72). с. 1-7.

Vairagar, A. V., Mhaisalkar, S. G., Meyer, M. A., Krishnamoorthy, A., Zschech, E, Gusak, A. M. (2005) Direct evidence of electromigration failure mechanism in dual-damascene Cu interconnect tree structures. Applied physics letters, Т. 87 (№ 1). с. 1-3.

Gusak, A. M., Zaporozhets, T. V., Tu, K. N., Gosele, U. (2005) Kinetic analysis of the instability of hollow nanoparticles. Philosophical Magazine, Т. 85 (№ 36). с. 4445-4464.

Gusak, A. M., Lutsenko, G. V., Tu, K. N. (2005) Ostwald ripening with non-equilibrium vacancies. Acta Materialia. с. 1-7.

Shirinyan, A. S., Gusak, A. M., Wautelet, M. (2005) Phase diagram versus diagram of solubility: What is the difference for nanosystems? Acta Materialia (№ 53). с. 5025-5032.

Gusak, A. M., Lutsenko, G. V. (2005) Ripening with noise. Philos ophical Magazi ne, Т. 85 (№ 12). с. 1323-1331.

Zaporozhets, T. V., Gusak, A. M., Tuc, K. N. (2005) Three-dimensional simulation of void migration at the interface between thin metallic film and dielectric under electromigration. American Institute of Physics (№ 98). с. 1-10.

Gusak, A. M., Lutsenko, G. V. (2005) The "short-rance ordering" fsctor upon coalescence. Ukrainian Journal of Physics, Т. 50 (№ 5). с. 506-509.

Vairagara, A. V., Krishnamoorthy, A., Tu, K. N., Gusak, A. M., Meyer, M. A. M., Zschech, E., Mhaisalkar, S. G., Zschech, E. (2004) In situ observation of electromigration-induced void migration in dual-damascene Cu interconnect structures. Applied physics letters, Т. 85 (№ 13). с. 2502-2505.

Gusak, A. M., Bogatyrev, A. O., Kovalchuk, S. V., Lucenko, Gr. V., Lyashenko, Yu. A., Shirinyan, A. S., Zaporoghets, T. V. (2004) Nucleation and Growth in Nanosystems: Some New Concepts. Успехи физико- математических наук, Т. 5. с. 433-502.

Shirinyan, A. S., Gusak, A. M. (2004) Phase diagrams of decomposing nanoalloys. Phase diagrams of decomposing nanoalloys, Т. 84 (№ 6). с. 579-593.

Hodaj, F., Gusak, A. M. (2004) Suppression of intermediate phase nucleation in binary couples with metastable solubility. Acta Materialia (№ 52). с. 4305-4315.

Tu, K. N., Gusak, A. M., Sobchenko, I. (2003) Linear rate of grain growth in thin films during deposition. Physical review (№ 67). с. 1-5.

Tu, K. N., Gusak, A. M., Li, M. (2003) Physics and materials challenges for lead-free solders. American Institute of Physics, Т. 93 (№ 3). с. 1335-1353.

Gusak, A. M., Tu, K. N. (2003) Theory of normal grain growth in normalized size space. Acta Materialia (№ 51). с. 3895-3904.

Gusak, A. M., Tu, K. N. (2002) Kinetic theory of flux-driven ripening. Physical Review (№ 66). с. 1-14.

van Dal, M. J. H., Gusak, A. M., CserhaÂti, C., Kodentsov, A. A., van Loo, F. J. J. (2002) Spatio-temporal instabilities of the Kirkendall marker planes during interdiffusion in Β'-AuZn. Philosophical magazine A, Т. 82 (№ 5). с. 943-954.

Gusak, A. M., Hodaj, F., Bogatyrev, A. O. (2001) Kinetics of nucleation in the concentration gradient. Journal of Physics (№ 13). с. 2767-2787.

van Dal, M. J. H., Gusak, A. M., Cserháti, C., Kodentsov, A. A., van Loo, F. J. J. (2001) Microstructural Stability of the Kirkendall Plane in Solid-State Diffusion. Physical review letters, Т. 86 (№ 15). с. 3352-3355.

Desre, P. J., Gusak, A. M. (2001) Relaxation of thermal concentration-uctuations in ternary liquids. Philosophical magazine A, Т. 81 (№ 10). с. 2503-2514.

Hodaj, By F., Gusak, A. M., Desre, P. J. (1998) Effect of sharp concentration gradients on the nucleation of intermetallics in disordered solids: in uence of the embryo shape. Philosophical Magazine, Т. 77 (№ 6). с. 1471-1479.

Gusak, A. M. (1994) Moving interphase interfaces as vacancy generators,vacancy gradients, nonparabolic growth and all that. The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society. с. 1133-1138.

Gusak, A. M., Yarmolenko, M. V. (1993) A simple way of describing the diffusion phase growth in cylindrical and spherical samples. Journal of Applied Physics, Т. 73 (№ 10). с. 4881-4884.

Gusak, A. M., Nazad, A. V. (1991) On the description ofsolid state amorphizing reactions. Journal of Physics (№ 4). с. 4753-4758.

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