Інституційний репозитарій Черкаського національного університету імені Богдана Хмельницького

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Число елементів: 11.


Symonenko, T., Skvortsova, S., Hnezdilova, K., Britskan, T. (2023) Digital Tools of Business Communication in Educational Organizations of Europe. E-learning & Artifi cial Intelligence Scientifi c Editor Eugenia Smyrnova-Trybulska “E-learning”. с. 107-122.

Hnezdilova, K., Movchan, V., Tkachenko, K., Nenko, Y. (2023) Educational teacher-student communication during emergency remote education. Technology and Society (BRAJETS) : Brazilian Journal of Education. с. 1125-1140.

Tarasenkova, N. A., Akulenko, I. A., Hnezdilova, K., Kirman, V., Serdiuk, Z., Kolomiets, O., Zaporozhets, A. (2023) Efficient Questioning in Teaching Mathematics: Teachers’ Attitudes and Practices. Revista Romaneasca Pentru Educatie Multidimensionala (15(1)). с. 216-246.

Tarasenkova, N., Akulenko, I. A., Hnezdilova, K., Chashechnikova, O., Kirman, V., Serdiuk, Z., Kolomiets, O., Zaporozhets, A. (2023) Efficient Questioning in Teaching Mathematics: Teachers’ Attitudes and Practices. Revista Romaneasca Pentru Educatie Multidimensionala, Vol.15 (Is.1). с. 216-246.

Biliuk, O., Krap, A., Herasymiuk, K., Hnezdilova, K., Kulchytska, N. (2023) Peculiarities of organization and efficiency of the educational process under martial law. Miami, v.11 (n. 7). с. 1-26.

Hnezdilova, K., Barjadze, R. (2022) Opportunities of a personal learning environment for performing self-education activities of the future pharmacy employee. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education : journal (№4(49). с. 17-23.

Hnezdilova, K., Barjadze, R. (2022) Opportunities of a personal learning environment for performing self-education activities of the future pharmacy employee. Pedagogical Education (49). с. 17-23.

Tarasenkova, N., Akulenko, I. A., Burda, M., Hnezdilova, K., Zhydkov, O. (2020) Characteristics of Mathematics Teachers' Practices and Beliefs about Project-based Learning and Teaching Mathematics in Ukraine. Universal Journal of Educational Research (USA) (№ 8). с. 7631-7642.

Tarasenkova, N., Akulenko, I. A., Burda, M., Hnezdilova, K., Zhydkov, O. (2020) Characteristics of Mathematics Teachers' Practices and Beliefs about Project-based Learning and Teaching Mathematics in Ukraine. Universal Journal of Educational Research (№ 8). с. 7631-7642.

Tarasenkova, N., Akulenko, I. A., Burda, M., Hnezdilova, K. (2020) Factors Affecting Techniques of Teaching Theorem Proof. Universal Journal of Educational Research. с. 508-519.

Tarasenkova, N., Akulenko, I. A., Hnezdilova, K., Lovyanova, I. (2019) Challenges and Prospective Directions of Enhancing Teaching Mathematics Theorems in School. Universal Journal of Educational Research (№ 7). с. 2584-2596.

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