Characteristics of Mathematics Teachers' Practices and Beliefs about Project-based Learning and Teaching Mathematics in Ukraine

Tarasenkova, N. and Akulenko, I. A. and Burda, M. and Hnezdilova, K. and Zhydkov, O. (2020) Characteristics of Mathematics Teachers' Practices and Beliefs about Project-based Learning and Teaching Mathematics in Ukraine. Universal Journal of Educational Research (USA) (№ 8). pp. 7631-7642.

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This empirical study determines the obvious and hidden factors that affect the Ukrainian Mathematics teachers to use Project-Based Learning and Teaching (PBL and PBT) Mathematics. A survey of 126 practicing Mathematics teachers was conducted using a Standard closed ended questionnaire. The study confirms that modern Mathematics teachers believe that it is impossible to teach Mathematics for modern students without using PBL and PBT. On the one hand, teachers demonstrate their beliefs in these educational techniques. On the other hand, the survey reveals hidden factors that are inhibitory in the practice of PBL and PBT Mathematics. The study shows the following statistically confirmed factors in teachers’ beliefs concerning the use of PBL and PBT Mathematics: Content-Technological Factor; Result & Age Factor; Factor of the Target Audience on the expediency of using PBL and PBT Mathematics; Teacher’s Overload Factor; Praxeological Factor; Locality Factor; Teacher’s Awareness Spectrum Factor. The previous assumption that the experience of a Mathematics teacher is an influential factor in the use of PBL and PBT has not been statistically confirmed. The results show that an nfluential factor is the Locality Factor. So, it’s important if a teacher teaches Mathematics in a city or a village. Its origins (genesis and causes) and the consequences of this factor influence on educational processes in Ukraine need more detailed study.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Math Education ; Project-based Learning and Teaching ; Math Teachers’ Beliefs
Subjects: Фізико-математичні науки
Педагогічні науки
Divisions: Навчально-науковий інститут педагогічної освіти, соціальної роботи і мистецтва
Depositing User: Наукова Бібліотека
Date Deposited: 27 Dec 2024 14:50
Last Modified: 27 Dec 2024 14:50

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