Peasant-ideoman in the period of Ukrainian revolution (1917-1921) as an object of the sovietagricultural policy in Ukraine in the end of the 1920s - the beginning of the 1930s.

Kornovenko, S. (2018) Peasant-ideoman in the period of Ukrainian revolution (1917-1921) as an object of the sovietagricultural policy in Ukraine in the end of the 1920s - the beginning of the 1930s. Український селянин : збірник наукових праць (№ 20). pp. 10-15.


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The article proves that the object of the Soviet agrarian policy in Ukraine in the late 1920s and early 1930s was a peasant-ideoman of the period of the 1917-1921Ukrainian Revolution. It substantiates that the agrarian policy of Soviet power in the Ukrainian countryside in the late 1920s - in the early 1930’s, wore an aggressive, “military-communist” character. It was not compliant with the peasantry. Its overarching goal was not to objectively improve the socioeconomic status of the peasantry, its legal status, but to the destruction of the peasant-ideoman of the period of the Ukrainian Revolution, to achieve its own political obj

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: peasant-ideoman ; Ukrainian revolution ; Soviet agrarian policy ; Soviet totalitarianism
Subjects: Historical sciences
Divisions: Навчально-науковий інститут міжнародних відносин, історії та філософії
Depositing User: Наукова Бібліотека
Date Deposited: 29 Apr 2020 16:25
Last Modified: 29 Apr 2020 16:25

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