Інституційний репозитарій Черкаського національного університету імені Богдана Хмельницького

Morphological and ecological features of green pea (Pisum sativum L.)

Poltoretskyi, V., Karpenko, V., Liubych, V., Poltoretska, N., Bilonozhko, V., Demydas, H. (2022) Morphological and ecological features of green pea (Pisum sativum L.). Ukrainian Journal of Ecology (№ 12). с. 12-19.

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Poltoretskyi S., Karpenko V., Liubych V., Poltoretska N., Bilonozhko V., Demydas H. Мorphological and ecological features of green pea (pisum sativum l)(2021).pdf

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An analytical review of literature sources on the spreading area, world acres and gross collection, nutritional and fodder value of pea was given. The state of studying the issue on classification and species diversity of green pea (Pisum sativum L.) was given. It was established that green pea was an important agricultural crop of world agriculture, which was inferior only to grain cereals in terms of production volume and was characterized by a significant variety of morphological forms. Despite the considerable long period of cultivation and research, a number of issues on the centers of origin, classification, genetic diversity and ecological-and morphological features of this crop remains controversial even now among researchers and practitioners and needs further study.

Тип елементу : Стаття
Неконтрольовані ключові слова: Pea ; Classification of species ; Pisum sativum L. ; Forms ; Features ; Morphology of plants and seeds.
Теми: Екологія
Підрозділи: Навчально-науковий інститут природничих та аграрних наук
Користувач, що депонує: Наукова Бібліотека
Дата внесення: 20 Лют 2025 11:44
Останні зміни: 20 Лют 2025 14:10
URI: https://eprints.cdu.edu.ua/id/eprint/6834

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