Інституційний репозитарій Черкаського національного університету імені Богдана Хмельницького

The influence of intrapersonal conflict on the course of adaptation of students at the establishments of higher education

Gerasimova, N., Gerasymova, I. (2019) The influence of intrapersonal conflict on the course of adaptation of students at the establishments of higher education. Sustainable development under the conditions of european integration: collective monograph (Part I). с. 384-398. ISSN 978-961-91021-5-2

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The article reviews the current state of studying the problem of interpersonal conflict as a factor in adaptation, characterized by consideration of the relationship of these categories on two levels: intrapersonal conflict is studied as a driving force, a source of self in the process of adaptation and as a leading indicator of complications adaptation. The researches of foreign and domestic authors in general have considerably expanded the modern ideas about many issues related to the intrapersonal conflict. At the same time, they did not fill the gaps that occurred in the interpretation of the essence of this phenomenon. Given the fact that the problem of intrapersonal conflict has an interdisciplinary character, additional obstacles are created in the way of adequate interpretation of the methodological approaches that are different for these sciences, methodological as well as categorically-conceptual apparatus. It is generally defined that intrapersonal conflicts do not arise without affecting the personality of the environment, including the social one.

Тип елементу : Стаття
Теми: Педагогічні науки
Психологічні науки
Підрозділи: Навчально-науковий інститут педагогічної освіти, соціальної роботи і мистецтва
Користувач, що депонує: Наукова Бібліотека
Дата внесення: 16 Квіт 2024 07:44
Останні зміни: 16 Квіт 2024 07:45
URI: https://eprints.cdu.edu.ua/id/eprint/6235

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