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Елементи, в яких автор: "Zaporozhets, T. V."

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Число елементів: 11.


Zaporozhets, T. V., Taranovskyy, A., Jáger, G., Gusak, A. M. (2019) The effect of introducing stochasticity to kinetic mean-field calculations: Comparison with lattice kinetic Monte Carlo in case of regular solid solution. Computational Materials Science. с. 1-7.

Gusak, A. M., Zaporozhets, T. V. (2018) Martin’s Kinetic Mean-Field Model Revisited—Frequency Noise Approach versus Monte Carlo. Металлофизика и новейшие технологии, Т. 40 (№ 14). с. 1415-1435.

Zaporozhets, T. V., Storozhuk, N. V., Gusak, A. M. (2016) Competition of Voiding and Kirkendall Shift during Compound Growth in Reactive Diffusion–Alternative Models. Металлофизика и новейшие технологии, Т. 38 (№10). с. 1279-1292.

Zaporozhets, T. V., Podolyan, O. N., Gusak, A. M. (2014) Growth kinetics of nanoshells of the intermediate phase with allowance for finite reaction rates at interphase boundaries. The Physics of Metals and Metallography volume, T. 115 (№3). с. 267-276.

Zaporozhets, T. V., Gusak, A. M., Ustinov, A. I. (2011) Conditions of propagation of the SHS reaction front in nanolayered foils in contact with heat-conducting material (Условия распространения фронта реакции СВС в нанослойных фольгах, контактирующих с теплопроводящим материалом). Автоматическая сварка (№ 8). с. 37-41.

Zaporozhets, T. V., Gusak, A. M. (2011) Role of Finite Vacancy Relaxation Rate at SHS Reactions in Nanosized Multilayers. Defect and Diffusion Forum, Т. 309. с. 215-222.

Gusak, A. M., Hodaj, F., Zaporozhets, T. V. (2011) Thermodynamics of void nucleation in nanoparticles. Philosophical Magazine Letters, Т. 91 (№ 12). с. 741-750.

Zaporozhets, T. V., Gusak, A. M., Ustinov, A. I. (2010) SHS Reactions in Nanosized Multilayers: Analytical Model Versus Numerical One. International Journal of Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis, Т. 19 (№ 4). с. 227-236.

Gusak, A. M., Zaporozhets, T. V. (2009) Hollow nanoshell formation and collapse in binary solid solutions with large range of solubility. Journal of physics: condensed matter. с. 1-11.

Gusak, A. M., Zaporozhets, T. V., Tu, K. N., Gosele, U. (2005) Kinetic analysis of the instability of hollow nanoparticles. Philosophical Magazine, Т. 85 (№ 36). с. 4445-4464.

Zaporozhets, T. V., Gusak, A. M., Tuc, K. N. (2005) Three-dimensional simulation of void migration at the interface between thin metallic film and dielectric under electromigration. American Institute of Physics (№ 98). с. 1-10.

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