Applying the Arithmetic Compression Method in Digital Speech Data Processing

Zabolotnii, S. and Yarmilko, A. and Rozlomii, I. and Mysiura, Y. (2023) Applying the Arithmetic Compression Method in Digital Speech Data Processing. Selected Papers of the X International Scientific Conference "Information Technology and Implementation" (IT&I-2023).. pp. 170-179.

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The article investigates the application of the arithmetic compression method based on the division into subsections depending on the frequency of occurrence of symbols in the digital processing of speech data. The general problems of applying data compression in digital speech processing systems are revised. Authors propose a new method that uses statistical information about the frequency of occurrence of characters to partition the data into subsegments that can be more efficiently compressed using arithmetic compression. The main algorithms of the method are described. Since the method of arithmetic data coding used in the study requires high-precision calculations, long arithmetic is used in its software implementation. A way to optimize the calculation algorithm is proposed, given the general inefficiency of arithmetic coding using the methods of long arithmetic, in terms of both time spent and the size of the result. A comparison of the proposed method with other speech data compression algorithms was performed. The nature of the dependence of the required coding accuracy on the amount of input data and the dependence of the total encoding-decoding time on the size of the input data was discovered. The results of the study showed that the proposed method is more effective compared to other methods. However, in practical application it is necessary to take into account that the method has limitations. In particular, while increasing the number of subsections, the processing time increases, and while decreasing the number, the size of the compressed data increases. It is also important to take into account phonetic, syntactic and phraseological features of specific speech data, since different languages have different frequency of use of certain symbols. A new method of speech data compression can be used to improve transmission efficiency and improve audio file storage technologies.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Arithmetic compression ; long arithmetic ; digital speech processing ; audio coding ; audio compression ; compression efficiency ; coding process speed.
Subjects: Фізико-математичні науки
Divisions: Факультет обчислювальної техніки, інтелектуальних та управляючих систем
Depositing User: Наукова Бібліотека
Date Deposited: 22 Feb 2024 14:39
Last Modified: 22 Feb 2024 14:39

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